People who act

People who act

People who act

Cacilda Gonçalves Coletti started her career at Colombo Industries in the former satellite dish receiver department, at the age of 17. Always willing to help and eager to learn, she finished her work and acquired knowledge in other sectors of the company. As time went by, she gained experience in other areas until she found out about revenue. “I asked to learn the job and started to cover the invoice holder's vacation until I became effective”, she recalls. After 26 years of experience at the company, Cacilda is an example of a constant search for knowledge. “I learned and learn a lot every day at Colombo. Here, we value respect a lot, which makes the work environment unique and creates new opportunities for us to evolve”, she stresses. If we offer the best services and guarantee the trust of our customers, it is thanks to the work of our collaborators. Cacilda, thank you so much for being part of our story.